Laboratory for Creativity — weekend May 2020

Laboratory for Creativity

Important notice : the exceptional circumstances due to the Covid-19 crisis force us to postpone this event (possibly next Fall or next Winter). Please stay tuned for more details by visiting this webpage again. Meanwhile : sincere wishes of good health to all of you !

* For the fist time in Canada ! *

Biodanza extension, created by Rolando Toro

with Catherine Fabiola Lessard
May 29-30-31, 2020
Fri 6:30-9:30pm / Sam 10am-9:30pm / Sun 10am-6pm

This workshop is a jewel, offered by the late Rolando Toro Araneda. 

Never outdated, this project reflects the inevitable and unpredictable growth of the living seed. It also reflects the biological genius of the constantly creative living cell. It reflects us !

Come cultivate your natural creativity, through dance, colour, sounds, collaboration and infinite exploration. Come discover the theory of chaos, giving birth to the ongoing creativity of the universe we live in (and we are part of).

Come explore the multiple possibilities that human beings have to create !

Every human is creative by nature, as one unique manifestation of the universe. However, the creative channel of an individual is sometimes blocked, repressed in childhood, or simply left un-nurtured. In others, it may be nourished daily but can still aspire to new possible ways of expression.

Whichever your reasons, you are here invited to open (or reopen) this path of tremendous abundance, with love and audacity, so that we can all meet, develop and refine our deepest creative potentials.

A "rendez-vous" not to be missed !

At Studio D325, in Montreal - Mile-End
5445 ave Gaspé, 3rd floor, #325, Laurier metro
(note : use the elevator of the 2nd corridor, behind the hall)

Meals : bring dishes to share in delicious pot luck formulas (Saturday lunch and dinner, Sunday lunch).
Also : bring snacks, and bring a plate + ustensiles.
Note : the participants also have the option of taking one of the meals outside, in the restaurants of the neighbourhood.

* Registrations before May 20 *
Limited to 24 participants

> Costs: $180 to $285, sliding scale according to capacity
Note : prices include the art material and the taxes.
(suggested: $180 student-unemployed — $215 tight budget — $250 regular — $285 & + support the art)

A $100 deposit is required to secure your reservation, throught interac email, cheque (details at the bottom of this web page),
or paypal here :

Information :
Catherine Fabiola,,

Registration modalities

Please reserve, through email or phone at, 514.518.6240 or 450.939.3007.

Then confirm your registration by sending a N/R deposit :

>> throught email interac transfer at (canadian banks), also send the answer to your security question;

>> through cheque made out to Catherine Lessard, sent at 873 Leonard, Ste-Therese, Qc, J7E 2N8, Canada;

>> through Paypal by clicking on the button appearing in the events webpage (write the amount then update);

>> in cash, if we meet before the deadline for registration.

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