Floor Work for Dancers - description

Floor Work for Dancers and Improvisers — Rolls & Puzzles

An essential foundation for improvisation, choreographic interpretation, Contact Improvisation, and any other movement or somatic education research
— recommanded to have a solide back ground in dance

This training is of interest to your institution or your association? You are in Canada or elsewhere in the world? Contact us : worksphere@hotmail.com, 1.514.518.6240
photo by Bruno Garibal

Presentation of the floor work :

Based on various Release Techniques and on the most recent researches in neuro-development, as well as on Daniel Lepkoff, Steve Paxton and Nitta Little's meticulous and intense works, this workshop proposes to explore several physical patterns, and to foresee their possible utilization in situations of movement improvisation. From the Starfish to the Endless Screw, including the Mill and the Reverse Mill, the Transposed Walks, the Crescents, the Circular Templates, and the Developmental & Evolutionary Locomotions, these dynamic shapes allow us to adjust in details our skeletal parallelism, to recognize and open our inner spiral, to soften our floor absorption, and to unify our body as a whole with great precision.

Such as spirographs and mandalas traced on the ground or into space - initiated from the internal layers of our living tissues -, these rolls and puzzles are fabulous tools for the unfolding of our physical intelligence. They all originate in the inherent organization to our anatomy and evolution path. They encourage the body and the brain to stretch their possibilities, by searching adequate physical solutions (both tonic and "lazy" enough) to limiting conditions and to sometimes quite strange/comical situations.

In respecting and observing the principle of least efforts for optimal efficiency, this work is deeply educative, indicative and revealing. It obliges us to a constant adaptation of our body cells and systems, and it allows us to meet the floor as a multi-dimensional support and an indispensable ally.

This training is an exploration of the human expression through investigative studies of our organo-skeletal collaboration, kinesthetic awareness, sensations, nuances of Body-Mind states and alinement to forces.

It is also an invitation to patience, curiosity, empiric self-inquiry and boundaries surpassing, offered in a respectful atmosphere of profound research.
— by Catherine Lessard

photo by Véro Boncompagni
Short bio :
Catherine Lessard transmits the key principles of dance improvisation, Contact Improvisation, Authentic Movement and somatic education since more than 15 years,  with the passion and the coherence of a visionary. She educates, teaches and dances as a guest in several institutions and organizations around the world (Canada, Europe and USA). Her inspiring pedagogy combines a hunger for scientific sharpness and a profound sense of imagery / poetry. Noticed performer and uniquely styled teacher, she has studied, inter alia, with Nancy Stark-Smith, Daniel Lepkoff, Nita Little, Zoe Avstreih, Diego Piñon, etc.

Registration modalities

Please reserve, through email or phone at worksphere@hotmail.com, 514.518.6240 or 450.939.3007.

Then confirm your registration by sending a N/R deposit :

>> throught email interac transfer at worksphere@hotmail.com (canadian banks), also send the answer to your security question;

>> through cheque made out to Catherine Lessard, sent at 873 Leonard, Ste-Therese, Qc, J7E 2N8, Canada;

>> through Paypal by clicking on the button appearing in the events webpage (write the amount then update);

>> in cash, if we meet before the deadline for registration.

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