Training in Authentic Movement

** Notice : this training is now over. The dates for the next cycle are still to be determined. **

Starting Spring 2017 : download the pdf brochure here.

Training in :


Starting May 21, 2017
* Registration before April 30, 2017 *

More information :, 514.518.6240


This training is for any person who wants to find and cultivate the fundamental connection existing between their love for movement/dance and their desire for existential unfolding.

A short interview might be required, in the case of someone who never practiced Authentic Movement, somatic education or other forms of conscious movement.

Complete training with Catherine Lessard,
in several modules :

* 3 residential weekends in the country,
* 4 full days in Montreal.

    Registration before April 30, 2017,
    upon reception of a 250$ deposit (canadian).

    The number of places is limited
    Minimum 6 participants
    Maximum 12 participants

    Options for deposit : interac transfer, cheque, AccesD
    (modalities at the bottom of page),
    or Paypal here :


    For a full description of the pedagogy content, and information about the financial commitment, download the pdf brochure.

    You can also find more information on Authentic Movement here.


    Training modules in 2017 :
    • Module 1 (over 2 days) : Sunday & Monday, May 21-22, in Montreal
    • Module 2 (over 2 1/2 days) : June 16-17-18, weekend at Chertsey
    • Module 3 (over 3 1/2 days) : August 7 to 10, at Chertsey
    • Module 4 (over 3 1/2 days): September 1 to 4, at Chertsey
    • Module 5 : Sunday Octobre 8, in Montreal
    • Module 6 : Saturday Novembre 11, in Montreal

    The full day trainings in Montreal will take place in a calm and accessible studio (near a metro station). To be confirmed soon.

    The weekends are in complete residency and will take place the Domaine du Lac Seize, at Chertsey, 1:15 hour drive from Montreal. Housing on site. Map here.


    To make a 250$ deposit :

    or see below (options : interac email, cheque or AccesD).

    Pdf brochure.

    cette page en français

    Registration modalities

    Please reserve, through email or phone at, 514.518.6240 or 450.939.3007.

    Then confirm your registration by sending a N/R deposit :

    >> throught email interac transfer at (canadian banks), also send the answer to your security question;

    >> through cheque made out to Catherine Lessard, sent at 873 Leonard, Ste-Therese, Qc, J7E 2N8, Canada;

    >> through Paypal by clicking on the button appearing in the events webpage (write the amount then update);

    >> in cash, if we meet before the deadline for registration.

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